Do You Need A License To Use A Chainsaw?

Written By James
Updated March 17, 2022 by James

Do You Need A License To Use A Chainsaw?

Can Operate A Chainsaw Without A License?

Most heavy types of machinery need a license to be used, but what about powerful chainsaws which are dangerous, do they need a license to be operated? 

You do not need a license to use a chainsaw as long as the users of equipment are operating it at home, you do however need to take training courses to use a chainsaw. 

Down below in our guide, we will discuss which countries need a license to use a chainsaw and some other tips and tricks for using a chainsaw safely.

Which Countries Do I Need a License To Use a Chainsaw In? 

Many countries do not require a chainsaw to be operated with a license for home gardening, but to make it clear, we've listed some popular countries and their lawns on chainsaw licenses below.


Any nationals who are chainsaw operators in Australia need to go through an accredited agency and undergo training, they will then get a certificate of attainment to be able to use their chainsaw.


No license is required in the UK to operate a chainsaw unless you are using the chainsaw professionally, you do however need to have adequate training due to the health and safety at work act from 1974. 

Once completing this training you will receive a chainsaw certificate.


Ireland is one of the strictest countries when it comes to chainsaw laws, you will need to go through training and have a valid chainsaw license for 10 years to be able to operate one.


In Canada, it is encouraging to go through training to use a chainsaw but not by lawn.


The US is the same as Canada, they recommend that you go through standardized training but it's not enforced.

How Do I Take a Certificate Course For My Chainsaw?

In the UK, you will need to do training time to be able to use a chainsaw, luckily there is a huge range of courses and places to get this training done. 

Whichever course you decide to take make sure that it is accredited. 

The course will take between 5-6 days and can cost anything from £200-£1000.

Do I Need Licensing To Professionally Use a Chainsaw? 

If you want to be able to use a chainsaw professionally in the UK you will need to acquire a chainsaw license. 

This is to prove you have the right level of fitness to be able to operate a chainsaw and that you are experienced enough to hold a chainsaw license. If you do not hold a license while operating a chainsaw you will not be eligible for 

Other Essentials To Know Before Using a Chainsaw 

Before using a chainsaw, you do not only need a chainsaw license, you also need protective equipment such as a face guard and trousers, we've listed the essentials to check off before picking up your tool below. 

  • Use PPE - PPE is very important when using a chainsaw, you should be wearing steel toes boots, a faceguard and avoid any loose clothing while operating a chainsaw.
  • Have the correct stance - Keep your feet firmly planted down and hold the saw with two hands while using the tool.
  • Do not operate above the waist - Never operate a chainsaw above the waist, this is because the injury is much more likely if you lose control of the saw.
  • Use the right blade - The blade of a chainsaw should always be two inches larger than the piece of wood that you are cutting, the longer the blade then the harder the tool will be to keep control of, try to stick under 20-inches.

Final Words 

To conclude, you do not need a license to operate a chainsaw in the UK, unless you will be using one professionally, you should however undergo training to receive a certificate, this will allow you to use a chainsaw at home. 

Always remember to follow safety precautions when using a chainsaw and familiarise yourself with how to use one before operating. 

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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2 comments on “Do You Need A License To Use A Chainsaw?”

  1. I don't understand this article. There is no such thing as a chainsaw licence in the UK so how could anybody possibly acquire one?

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