Are Woodlice Harmful To Plants? Read Here!

Written By James
Updated May 1, 2022 by James

Are Woodlice Harmful To Plants? Read Here!

What Are Woodlice?

Woodlice are small crustaceans that live in moist environments. They are often found near water sources, such as ponds and streams.

They're widespread in many parts of North America and Europe. Their name comes from the fact that they resemble wood shavings when viewed through a magnifying glass.

Woodlice are not insects, but rather arthropods (a group of animals including spiders, scorpions, centipedes, etc.).

Species of woodlice vary in size, ranging from 1/8 inch to 2 inches long. Although there are exceptions, most species are between 1/4 and 1/2 inches long.

Stray woodlice are nocturnal; but, some species are active during daylight hours. Some species are known for being pests to humans because they eat plant pots and healthy garden beds crops.

Woodlice exhibit a variety of behaviours. Some species are known to move across surfaces using their antennae.

Others use their antennae to detect vibrations in the environment. Still, others use their antennae to locate food and moisture.

Pillbugs spend much of their lives underground. They burrow into the soil or leaf litter to hide from predators. When prey items become available, pill bugs crawl out of their hiding places and search for food.

Are Woodlice Harmful To Your Plants?

Woodlice are small, soft-bodied arthropods that feed on decaying plant material. They're not harmful to cucumber plants, but they can be a nuisance when they crawl across leaves and stems.

They may cause damage to the roots of some healthy plants, especially those growing in moist soil. But most woodlice aren't aggressive enough to cause serious harm.

Woodlice feed on dead leaves, stems, and flowers, so you may notice signs of superficial damage where they've been provided. When you find woodlice, try not to move them. Instead, lift them off the ground and place them in a container filled with water.

Don't worry -- woodlice aren't dangerous to humans. But, they can carry diseases, including ringworm and scabies. To prevent this, wash your hands after handling immature woodlice.

But if you notice any symptoms of disease (such as yellowing leaves), consult a professional pest control company.

What Do Woodlice Do?

Woodlice are small crustaceans that live in soil, decaying bedding plant matter, and rotting logs. They're often mistaken for ants because they share similar habits and appearance.

They eat dead insects, grubs, and larvae, burrowing through the ground and looking for food. Woodlice are beneficial because they help decompose organic material and recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem.

While woodlice aren't known for being cute, they are fascinating creatures. So when you're writing about animals, consider including some information about them.

Signs of a Woodlice Infestation

Woodlice are small, flat-bodied insects that live in dark soil and rotten wood. They're often mistaken for ants because they share similar characteristics.

But, reports of woodlice are not ants; they belong to a different family of animals called Isopoda.

They feed on dead, damp wood and living plants, creating tunnels through organic soil and concrete. The presence of woodlice indicates moisture and decay, which means there's a greater possibility of mould growth.

If you notice any signs of woodlice infestations, it may be due to a problem with your home's foundation or drainage system. It could lead to water damage, mould growth, and structural issues.

To prevent woodlice infections, keep your home clean and dry. Use a dehumidifier to remove moisture from your house and seal cracks and holes in your basement or attic to prevent pests from entering.

Another way to prevent woodlice infestation is to use pest control treatments. These treatments kill the adult woodlice, prevent them from reproducing, and eliminate the larvae (baby woodlice).

Some of these treatments include insecticides, traps, baits, and fumigants. The most effective treatment is to hire a professional exterminator who uses safe methods to kill the woodlice and their larvae.

How Do Woodlice Enter The Home?

Woodlice enter homes through cracks in walls, windows, doors, and floorboards. They're attracted to warm, moist environments where there's food and water available.

They're nocturnal animals, meaning they come out to feed and drink at night. Most woodlice live underground, but some species live above ground.

If you find a woodlouse in your home, don't panic! There are ways to remove them.

  • Try closing any holes or cracks in your home where woodlice may be entering.
  • Vacuum or sweep away the woodlice.
  • Seal off any remaining openings with caulking.

If this doesn't work, call a pest control professional specialising in treating woodlice infestations.

How to Prevent and Get Rid Of Woodlice In the House?

If you suspect woodlice infestation, here's how to prevent them from spreading:

1. Check for signs of infestation. Look for holes in walls and floorboards, and check for droppings near doors and windows.

2. Clean up any messes you find.

3. Repair any damaged areas of wallboard or drywall.

4. Vacuum up any loose debris.

5. Remove any food sources (like crumbs) within reach of woodlice.

6. Seal any cracks or crevices.

7. Use insecticides to kill adult woodlice.

8. Keep pets away from infested areas.

9. Treat furniture with anti-woodlouse spray.

10. Keep children out of infested rooms.

11. Call pest control professionals if necessary.

Woodlice are most active at night, so keep watch during this time. You may want to use a flashlight to help you spot them. If you notice anything suspicious, call pest control professionals right away.

Last Words

Woodlice is not harmful to your garden debris and lawns. I am running a few minutes late; my previous meeting is running over. 

They do dig holes under the surface. Woodlice prefer moist conditions, and most select decaying organic matter, but some live and breed in soil and trees.

Woodlice are necessary for faunal pest control, and they are an essential food source for amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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