Your cordyline plant may be dying due to lack of sunlight. If you live in a sunny area, you should water your plants once a week during the summer months. If you live in an area where it gets cold at night, you should water them twice a month. Also, keep the soil moist, but don't let it sit wet for too long.
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There are many reasons your cordyline could die, including being overwatered, having poor water drainage, or having too little light. The first to do is to figure out which of those things has happened. Then, you'll need to take steps to fix the problem.
First, you need to look at the plant to identify what the issue might be.
The first thing you'll want to do is check out the leaves. Does your cordyline have yellow leaves? The yellow leaves could indicate that the plant needs sun light. If this is the case, then you'll need to move the potted plants indoors so that it receives direct sunlight. You can also try moving the plant outside if possible.
If the leaves look healthy and green, you've probably over watered the plant. Watering too much will make the roots rot. So, when watering, make sure that the quantity of water is just enough.
If the leaves look unhealthy, you might have some other issue. It could be that the roots aren't getting enough oxygen or because of lack of nutrients. In this case, you'll need to add more air circulation by placing the pot near a window. You'll need root pruning if the leaves still look bad after adding air circulation.
Underwatering leads to root rot, which will cause your plant to die. Make sure that the soil is not sitting wet for any time. If you're unsure about the schedule for regular watering, then follow these guidelines:
So, how do you know whether you're over- or under-watering? There are two ways to tell:
Look At The Leaves
You can use your eyes and your fingers to see if the leaves are drooping. If they are, then you've probably overdone it with the watering.
Feel The Roots
You can feel the roots to determine if they're dry. When the roots start to get dry, they're not receiving enough moisture.
Plants will die if they receive too much excess water. They'll grow tall and thin, and eventually wilt. So, if you notice that your plant's leaves are wilting, you've probably given it too much water.
How Much Water Does My Plant Needs?
To find out how much water your house plant needs, you'll need to measure the amount of water coming from the faucet. Once you've done that, subtract that number from the total amount of water that the plant was previously receiving.
If you're using distilled water, then you won't need to worry about measuring the water that comes out of the tap. However, if you're using tap water, then you'll need a water meter to measure the amount of dissolved solids in the water.
The best way to protect your favourite garden plants from cold winter weather damage is to cover them with a thick layer of mulch. Mulching keeps moisture in the ground and helps prevent frost heaving. It also protects the roots from drying out.
However, if you live in a place where the temperature drops below freezing, then you'll need something else to help protect your leafy plants. A good option would be a heated greenhouse for winter. These structures provide warmth all through the winter months.
If you observe any of these symptoms, you might want to take some action before the plant dies completely.
The best way to prune your cordyline is to cut back stem rot or any damaged branches. This will encourage new growth from the base of the plant. It's important not to remove all the leaves from your plant, because this will reduce the amount of light reaching the roots.
Watering your plants regularly will ensure they grow healthy roots and leaves. You can give your plants a stream of nutrients by feeding them with organic fertilizer every two weeks. This will help them grow strong stems and leaves.
The best way to monitor your plant is by looking for signs of disease. Check the leaves for any discoloured leaves or brown leaves. Look for insects eating your leaves. If you notice any of these things, then you'll know what's wrong and you can take action.
It's always a good idea to check your cordyline for insect infestations. You can do this by gently shaking the leaves to look for bugs on the underside. You can also spray your plant with a hose to kill any pests made their home there.
Cordyline are easy to care for versatile plant and very forgiving when it comes to watering. However, cordyline are sensitive plants to over-watering and under-watering. If you have a problem with your plant, follow our cordyline plants leaf tips above to get it growing again. Good luck!