How To Plant Bare Root Hedging? Find Out Here!

Written By James
Updated March 13, 2022 by James

How To Plant Bare Root Hedging? Find Out Here!

 Can You Plant Bare Root Hedging In April?

Yes, you can plant bare-root hedges in April. But, you should plant bare-root hedging in May or June.

It is because bare-root plants need to grow plant roots before surviving outside of the ground. If you plant them too early, they may not have enough roots to survive.

If you want to plant bare-root hedges in April, you should get them in the ground as soon as possible. It is because the sooner you plant it, the sooner it will be established and grow.

Be sure to choose a site where they won't need to compete with other perennials for sunlight.

What Is A Bare Root Hedge?

A bare root hedge is an ornamental plant grown from seed rather than cuttings. These plants are usually planted in early spring.

They grow and must have little maintenance. The downside to these plants is they don't flower until late summer or fall.

A bare-root hedge is a useful tool for a gardener who wants to add privacy to their home while also adding beauty. It is why it's a good idea to consider planting a bare-root hedge.

The advantage of growing your plants is that you know what they look like, how old they are, and where they were planted. This information helps you decide whether to keep them for future planting.

Which Are The Best Bare Root Hedging Plants?

If you are looking to plant quickly and effectively, then bare-root native hedging plants could be the best choice. The best bare root hedge plants can transform your garden.

There are several types of bare root hedging plants available today. They include:

  • Dwarf apple trees
  • Crabapple trees
  • Pear trees
  • Plum trees
  • Cherry trees
  • Peach trees
  • Apricot trees
  • Japanese maples

When choosing which tree to plant, look for one that has been tested and proven to be disease resistant. Also, choose a tree that has a long growth in the dormant season.

When Is The Best Time To Plant A Bare Root Hedge?

The right time to plant bare-root shrubs or hedges depends on location. The best time to plant bare-root hedges is between March and May. 

When the soil is still moist, the roots can absorb a bucket of water. Plant a bare root hedge during spring when temperatures are warmer, and soil moisture levels are higher.

It allows roots to establish faster and grow deeper into the ground. The roots may be too weak to withstand winter conditions if you wait until fall.

How To Plants Bare Root Hedging?

Planting bare root hedges is easy, but it requires some planning. When you want to plant bare-root hedging, ensure you get a good root ball and soak the roots in water for a few hours before planting.

You can start to plant the hedge as soon as you receive the roots.

Step 1: The first step is to choose a location for your hedge. A sunny area is best, but the shade is also acceptable.

Step 2: Next, prepare the soil by adding organic matter such as compost. Then, dig a hole about 8 inches deep and wide.

Step 3: Finally, plant the roots into the ground. This process takes around two weeks to grow.

When planting bare root hedging plants, always ensure that you have prepared the soil in advance. If you are planting from a pot, ensure that the plant is well watered before planting.

How To Care For Your New Bare Root Hedge?

A bare root hedge is a tree that has been dug up from the patch of ground. It means you don't need soil conditions around the roots to grow them.

If you want to grow a new bare root tree, you should plant it in rich soil temperature that contains organic matter. The best way to care for a bare root tree is to water it until it grows.

If you live in a dry climate, you may need to water your healthy plants twice a week. When the fruit tree grows out of the ground, you should give it a little fertilizer.

Once mature, you should trim your hedge into shape.

Advantages of Having A Bare Root Hedging Tree

  • The advantages of having bare root hedges include growing faster, being less expensive, and having less maintenance.
  • You can plant them at a suitable time during the year, and they will still be able to survive.
  • They also provide better shade for plants around them.
  • The tree provides privacy and blocks out the sun, damaging other plants and lawns.
  • The tree's roots help trap water and nutrients to prevent soil erosion. They are also reducing surface runoff, which helps to prevent flooding.

Last Words

I recommend planting bare-root hedges in the spring and summer months when the temperatures are milder.

There are a lot of benefits to planting a hedge, including privacy, noise control, and cooling.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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