How To Keep Raccoons Out Of Garden? Find Out Here

Written By James
Updated May 16, 2021 by James

How To Keep Raccoons Out Of Garden? Find Out Here

Raccoons are cute. Raccoons are also mischievous. If you're a gardener, they may be downright dangerous.

Raccoons may be cute and furry, but they can cause lots of damage in the garden. They are the leading cause of crop and garden damage, often eating plants and then damaging them further by pulling them up to get at the roots.

They can also kill chickens, ducks, and other pets. This damage can cost a lot to fix and be a major nuisance. 

They can also dig up your entire garden if you aren't careful. Those cute raccoons can also wreak havoc in your garden, digging up your plants or looking for insects and rodents to eat.

This is why it is highly recommended you learn how to keep raccoons out of your garden.

What Is Natural Deterrent For Raccoons?

Raccoons are one of the most troublesome creatures in the garden. They not only damage the garden itself but also act as a source of disease and contamination.

Raccoons are expert diggers and can wreak havoc on your garden in no time. If you have a garden, you should know what raccoons are and how to protect your garden from them.

Even though raccoons are usually nocturnal animals, you may still find yourself having to protect your garden from them.

This can be done naturally, by using animals that scare them, or by using other plants that are unattractive to them. 

Some people try to use scare tactics to keep raccoons out of the garden, but these can backfire and do more harm than good.

Scare tactics can be hazardous to raccoons and other animals, and they may also scare away beneficial animals that keep the garden pest-free.

There are a few things that people do to try and keep raccoons out of their garden.

One very effective method is to create a repellant using human hair and other items that are made specifically for raccoons and other pests.

However, raccoons are intelligent animals, and are capable of becoming acclimated to anything that scares them.

Will Vinegar keep Raccoons Away?

While the creatures are undeniably adorable, their masked faces are also all too familiar to many gardeners who have had their vegetables and fruits ravaged overnight by these thieving critters.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to keep raccoons away from your garden.

You may have heard that an easy way to keep raccoons away from your home is to spray vinegar around your garden to keep them at bay.

 Some work better than others, but one of the most popular is using a mixture of vinegar, water, and dish soap.

What Scent will keep Raccoons Away?

Some people suggest that you use some repellents such as hot pepper spray, or maybe even a motion-activated sprinkler which will scare them off.

But you don't want to harm any animals, and so you are looking for a natural solution.

You can fight back with one of the most effective scent repellents out there which is a  human hair.

Hair can work as a raccoon repellent but you may want to rethink using your own hair before going out to get a wig.

If you’ve got some spare human hair lying around, you can make a raccoon repellent.

You just need to put the hair in a jar and cover it with water. Soak the hair for a few days and then strain the liquid into a spray bottle.

Unfortunately, these animals are very intelligent and are able to overcome nearly every kind of trap.

Worse yet, they are also very good at learning to avoid repellents like ammonia and moth balls.

They may be able to recognize the scent of both of these long before you can actually.

Do Moth Balls Repel Raccoons ?

Moth balls have been used in gardens for decades to repel a variety of pests, including raccoons.

Moth balls are made of synthetic materials, specifically naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene, and they're typically used to keep moths and other critters away from clothing, books, and other household goods. 

The reason they repel raccoons is because the smell of moth balls is very strong and many animals, with a sensitive enough nose, can sense it.

This is the same reason moth balls repel moths.

Many gardeners believe that moth balls are an effective way to keep these pests away from gardens and flowerbeds.

But, as with many things, moth balls are not always an effective solution.

Signs Of Raccoons Activity In Your Garden?

Raccoons can be found in a variety of different conditions whether it's from the city to the forest.

If you see raccoons in your garden, it is usually because there is food available, and they can have babies.

They look like trash pandas, and will eat anything that has managed to make its way into their habitats. 

Raccoons are very good with their hands and are typically able to get into most things.

They can get into the garbage can, or dig in the ground to get at worms or other invertebrates.

Some of the signs of a raccoon in your garden include tunnels that lead to the plants, animal droppings, and paw prints.

What Plants Do Raccoons Eat?

Raccoons are most active at night, and are omnivores who enjoy an eclectic menu, though they prefer easy-to-catch prey like insects and fish.

Raccoons will eat almost any fruit or vegetable you plant, although they do have preferences.

They will also eat carrion, plants, and garbage. Raccoons have been known to eat fruits, nuts, seeds, and tubers, and will even raid beehives for honey.

They also love corn, berries, grapes, tree fruits, nuts, beans and peas, melons, squash, and potatoes.

In their natural habitats, raccoons often eat water plants such as wild rice, duckweed, and bulrush.

Removing And Securing Food Sources Near In Your Garden?

Raccoons become quite comfortable around humans and will often come looking for food, water, or shelter in your home.

The raccoon will eat just about anything that is not nailed down. 

To keep them out of your yard or in your garden in the first place, you should remove and secure your trash and compost bins, food-soiled paper, pet food, and bird feeders.

If you have any fruit trees, grapes or other fruit bearing plants, remove the fallen fruit from the ground.

Even if you don't have fruit trees, you can pick up any fallen fruit that you see.

Use Live Trap With Bait

Raccoons are also not the most pleasant animals to have around, as they have a reputation for being aggressive and sneaky.

Gardeners have long used live traps to capture pests such as squirrels, raccoon and skunks.

Live traps can also be used to humanely capture and relocate unwanted pests rather than killing them.

The reason live traps work so well is because they lure animals into the trap with bait.

For example, if you need to keep raccoons away, place some sardines in peanut butter in the middle of the trap to attract them.

Is It Illegal To Kill Raccoons ?

Raccoons are an integral part of the food chain. They also have a long history of being killed by humans to protect their stock and their homes. 

Unfortunately, in most states, It is not illegal to kill a raccoon. As a matter of fact, it is quite the right thing to do.

There's a saying “ A person may lawfully kill a raccoon that is in the act of entering or that is damaging or destroying a building, structure, or other property.”

That’s because raccoons are considered a public nuisance by the state and getting rid of them is encouraged instead of being prevented by local ordinances.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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