What Are The Benefits Of A Rain Garden? Check It Here!

Written By James
Updated May 24, 2021 by James

What Are The Benefits Of A Rain Garden? Check It Here!

A rain garden is a shallow depression that allows rainwater to slowly percolate into the ground, rather than run off the surface, where it can cause erosion.

Rain gardens can be either temporary or permanent features. Temporary rain gardens are dug into the ground when the soil is dry and filled in when the ground is wet.

Permanent rain gardens are dug out and backfilled with soil, mulch, and compost at the end of each season. Rain gardens are usually planted with plants that thrive in moist soil.

You can plant your rain garden in your yard or in a container on your deck or patio. Although rain gardens can be sunk into the ground, it is not necessary to do so.  

You may place the garden on top of a low area in your yard.

What is the purpose of a rain garden?

A rain garden is a depression in the ground intended to capture rainwater. It is also called a bioswale or a biotope.

Rain gardens are made on sloping land in order to take advantage of the natural drainage pattern of the rain.

Rain gardens are often considered part of green infrastructure and can be built to capture stormwater runoff and reduce the amount of rainwater going into the city sewer system.

They can be created in a wide range of sizes and are easy to build. It is a wetland designed to mimic the natural hydrology of a swale and can be designed to be aesthetically pleasing to the eye and also to enhance the beauty of a garden.

It was designed to take advantage of natural processes to treat stormwater. By using plants that can tolerate wet conditions, rain gardens can reduce runoff, filter pollutants, and help recharge groundwater.

A rain garden collects rainwater from your roof and lawn that would otherwise run off, and over-saturate your yard and storm drains.

How effective are rain gardens?

To put it simply, rain gardens and bioswales are two different names for the same product - a landscape feature that captures and keeps rainwater that would otherwise flow off your property and into storm drains.

Both rain gardens and bioswales can be used to control runoff from rain, but not all are created equal.

The use of rain gardens to manage stormwater runoff is becoming common practice for municipalities and homeowners alike.

Rain gardens not only make your yard look great, but they also help manage stormwater runoff by allowing the water to soak back into the ground instead of pooling on the surface.

Prior to the application of rain gardens, stormwater was usually funneled into underground sewers, which released it into rivers and lakes.

However, the amount of runoff generated by a rain garden is easily manageable and more effective than underground sewer systems for managing stormwater. 

How does a rain garden contribute to a better environment?

If you live in an area where you get a lot of rain, a rain garden can be a great way to reduce your stormwater runoff.

This type of garden is designed to be able to handle a large amount of water and filter out some of the pollutants that it picks up.

It does this by using plants that have deep roots and special soil that helps filter the water.

This is a great way to lower stormwater runoff pollution because it reduces the number of pollutants going into your local streams or rivers.  A rain garden is a great way to help clean the air in your own backyard.

It's a small functional ecosystem that attracts wildlife to your backyard, while also creating a beautiful and peaceful place to relax.  Rain gardens are shallow depressions that allow rainwater to soak into the ground instead of running off into storm drains.

They are planted with native shallow-rooted plants that absorb pollutants.

When you build a rain garden you are creating a mini-ecosystem that helps you to reduce your water usage, saves you money, and improves the health of the local ecosystem.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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