Are Eggshells Good For The Garden? Find Out Here!

Written By James
Updated May 16, 2021 by James

Are Eggshells Good For The Garden? Find Out Here!

As a gardener, you may be wondering if eggshells are good for the garden. They can be, as long as you use them in the right way. You may be tempted to use eggshells as fertilizer, but this can actually hurt your garden.

Eggshells contain calcium carbonate, which can be hard for plants to absorb. Calcium carbonate can make it more difficult for the plant to absorb the other nutrients that it needs.

While eggshells look like they are made of just calcium carbonate, they also contain a fair amount of organic matter, which makes them a good soil amendment.

The organic matter in eggshells provides extra nitrogen to the soil, which is a key ingredient for healthy plant growth.

In addition to their nitrogen content, eggshells are also a source of calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, as well as some phosphorous. All of these nutrients are essential for plants to grow strong and healthy.

Using Eggshells in the Garden

Did you know that egg shells are useful in the garden? No, we’re not talking about cracking them open and eating the insides (although you could do that, too).

Egg shells are a great source of calcium carbonate, which is a common ingredient in many fertilizers, chemical-free or not. Since the egg shell is mostly calcium carbonate, you can collect the shells in the kitchen and use them to fertilize your plants in the garden.

Not only can eggshells be composted, they can also be used in the garden. Since eggshells are made up of calcium carbonate, they’re great for helping plants grow.

Plants need calcium to grow, and eggshells can provide some of that calcium. An eggshell is made up of approximately 95 percent calcium carbonate. (A typical egg has approximately 200mg of calcium in it.)

A study in the journal HortScience found that eggshells are capable of providing calcium to plants for up to six months after being composted. Another study in the same journal found that using eggshells as a fertilizer for plants yielded comparable results to using compost and fish emulsion.

How to Collect and Prepare Eggshells to Recycle Them in Your Garden

  • Collect the shells from your eggs. (Use gloves!)
  • Wash the eggshells thoroughly (use soap and water) until they are free of any food or other residue left on them. (This will prevent the future growth of bacteria.)
  • Crush the shell halves with a rolling pin, hammer, meat tenderizer, or other heavy objects. This makes it easier for plants to digest them; otherwise, they can take up too much space in soil that could be better used by growing vegetables instead. You should have little pieces which range between small sand grains through pebbles about as big as peas all ready for use in your garden when you’re done crushing.
  • Use a food processor to do the same thing as you did with your rolling pin, hammer, or other heavy objects.
  • You will have fine pieces of eggshell that are great for fertilizing your garden.
  • Sprinkle the crushed or finely processed eggshells around any plants in need of a boost, such as flowers, vegetables, and shrubs. You can also mix them with compost before spreading it evenly over your soil where you plan to plant seeds or seedlings so they get an extra nutritional boost from the shell bits.
  • Stir these into potting soil when planting new pots indoors to provide minerals and help prevent fungus growth on indoor plants too.

Eggshells Make an Effective Garden Mulch

Eggshells are a great way to mulch your garden. When crushed, finely processed or mixed with compost they provide minerals and help prevent fungus growth on indoor plants too!

Sprinkle the eggshell bits around any plants in need of a boost such as flowers, vegetables, and shrubs. Stir into potting soil when planting new pots indoors to provide minerals for all types of plant life.

It is also important not to discard these pieces because they can do wonders for your garden's health by adding nutrients back into the soil while keeping some weeds at bay so you don't have an overgrown yard that will require more fertilizing than originally intended.

Eggshells Keep Slugs and Snails Away

Slugs and snails are a problem in many gardens. These pests might eat or even kill the plants you put so much time into growing, not to mention they can get pretty disgusting if they crawl across your skin!

When crushed finely processed eggshells mixed with compost, it creates a powdery texture that slugs don't like at all. This is why eggs shells are great for repelling these pesky garden invaders from damaging any of your hard work.

A good way to use this as an anti-slug barrier would be by placing them around the base of any plant throughout the garden where slugs generally roam. Just make sure there is about one tablespoon worth per square foot because anything smaller than that will result in less protection.

Maintaining this barrier is important because the slugs are so persistent and will find their way back to your plants if given enough time. Simply check for any eggshells that have become too dry or crushed, then replace those with fresh ones as needed!

Use as a Soil Amendment

One of the many uses for eggshells in the garden is to use them as a soil amendment. This is because they are rich with calcium, carbonates and potassium which are all nutrients that plants need!

So when planting your tomatoes or pepper plantings just add one tablespoon worth of crushed up eggs shells per square foot to improve their growth. It won't make much difference but it will help give a little boost so any time spent would be beneficial!

As mentioned before this needs to be replaced every few weeks because dry eggshells can become too brittle and unusable around plants- like we said slugs don't discriminate between old crumbly ones and fresh ones so keeping an eye on them these barriers is important.

Ants are a common problem in the garden as they can steal moisture and nutrients from plants. To keep ants out of your garden, look for their trails on paths leading to flowering plants like buttercups, dandelions or plantains.

Sprinkle crushed eggshells around these plants to deter any ant traffic! It's also possible that slugs will be less attracted to eggs shells so it may help stop them too (though this is not guaranteed).

Eggshells are very absorbent with water so if you have a dry patch in your garden place some old eggshell pieces there and see how well they do soaking up excess liquid.

If it works then try adding more next time! Not only are egg shell pieces aesthetically pleasing but they are very beneficial to the garden.

-Eggshells also put a physical barrier on top of soil and this can be helpful in keeping rainbow slugs at bay or deterring ants as well! These barriers is important .

As you walk around outside, collect any eggshells that have been discarded into your compost bin. You may want to check with your city hall about if there are restrictions for using these materials before implementing them in your own yard though.

Use as Seed Starting Containers

Another way that you can use eggshells is as a seed starting container. You fill an empty eggshell with soil, and then plant the seeds in it just like any other pot or planter would be filled.

This not only saves money on expensive pots but also allows for great aeration around the roots of your plants because there are so many small holes throughout the surface area where they will grow.

You might want to check with your city hall about if there are restrictions for using these materials before implementing them in your own yard though.

As well as being good at deterring ants, Eggshells are also fantastic at keeping slugs away! They release lime into their surroundings which is very toxic to slugs who try to cross over the area.

The first thing you should know is that eggshells can be used to deter slugs from crossing an area as it cuts their small delicate feet when they try to cross over them.

Eggshells also provide calcium in the soil which benefits plants like tomatoes but is bad for some types of flowers, such as roses, which have a higher acidic level than other varieties do.

How Not to Use Them in the Garden

It's important to mention too that eggs need boiling water poured on top before being applied around your plants so there is less chance of any acidic buildup damaging plant life.

They make great wicks for candles because they are porous in nature and are able to hold the liquid inside well.

A few uses for eggshells outside of your garden includes using them as a natural exfoliant when mixed with oil or finely ground oatmeal It can also be used in place of chalkboards by writing on it first, then wiping off what you don't want seen again while leaving behind what you do want visible.

Lastly, if boiled up into a tea, these shells have significant levels of calcium which provide antioxidants, minerals from zinc all the way to manganese, and are great for your hair.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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