What To Do With Bluebells After Flowering? Read Here!

Written By James
Updated March 10, 2023 by James

What To Do With Bluebells After Flowering? Read Here!

What To Do With Bluebells After They Have Flowered?

There's no need to throw away bluebells after they've flowered. Instead, you can use them to decorate your courtyard garden or home.

If you'd rather not keep them, you can give them away to friends or family members who appreciate nature. Or, you can sell them at local flower shops.

Bluebells are one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. Their bright blue petals are beautiful, and they're perfect for adding colour to any garden types.

But after they've bloomed, bluebells wilt. If you don't find them in your wildflower garden soon enough, you may not be able to enjoy their beauty. 

But don't throw away those dead flowers! Harvest them, dry them, and use them in crafts and home decor projects. 

How Long Do Bluebells Flower Last?

Bluebells are beautiful spring flowers that bloom between March and May. They're often found growing in wooded areas and along roadsides.

They're called bluebells because they resemble the bluebell flower. The bluebell flower blooms for only three days and the bluebells themselves last for several weeks.

If you find a patch of bluebells growing near your home, take some cuttings and plant them in your shady garden. They'll grow and bloom for several months.

Why Are My Bluebells Not Flowering?

There are several reasons if you're wondering why your bluebells aren't flowering.

1. The most common reason is that your soil moisture moist isn't rich enough. Bluebells need a lot of nutrients. These nutrients are found in organic matter, such as compost, manure, and leaf mould.

To ensure your well-prepared soil contains these nutrients, add organic matter to your garden compost every late spring. It will help your bluebells flower.

2. Your bluebells aren't flowering because your soil pH neutral level is too acidic. Most plants prefer a neutral, alkaline environment, so your bluebells won't grow well if your soil is too acidic.

To correct this problem, add lime to raise the soil pH level.

3. If your bluebells are growing but not blooming, it may be due to a lack of water. Watering your bluebells helps them produce flowers spike.

How Do You Care For Bluebells After Flowering?

Bluebells need to be watered after flowering. It helps prevent dry soil conditions that can lead to disease.

The plant should be watered at least once every day during the warmest months (April through September) until the narrow leaves begin to yellow.

After this point, water only when necessary. If you're growing bluebells indoors, keep them out of direct sunlight. Direct sunlight causes the flowers of the English bluebells to wilt.

When watering outdoors, use a drip irrigation system. Drip systems deliver water to each plant, helping to avoid overwatering.

To fertilize, apply a slow-release fertilizer every two weeks throughout the shade in summer. Slow-release fertilizers release nutrients over several weeks, allowing plants to absorb them over time.

Slow-release fertilizers are ideal because they allow plants to absorb nutrients, avoiding nutrient burnout.

How Long Before Bluebell Seeds Flower?

Bluebell seeds flower after six weeks. They're ready to harvest when they turn brown and dry out. They grow, so you can expect them to be prepared to harvest within two months.

If you plant bluebell seeds indoors, you'll need to keep them warm until they sprout. It means keeping them inside at 70°F (21°C) for 8 hours per day.

When the seedlings emerge, move them outside to 60°F (15°C). After four weeks, transplant them outdoors to full sun.

Keep watering the plants, especially during hot weather. Watering helps prevent wilting and keeps the soil moist.

After planting, wait at least ten days before harvesting. The English bluebell flowers should be opened and ready to pick.

Harvest the flowers when they're completely dried out and brown. Remove any remaining tree leaves and stems.

Store the seeds in airtight containers in a cool, dark place. Don't let them freeze. Once the seeds germinate, you can replant them every two years.

How To Grow Bluebells Plants?

Seed from bluebells plants grows well in many types of soil. They prefer full sun but can tolerate partial shade.

They're hardy perennials, meaning they come back every year and bloom for several months after planting.

Bluebells are famous because they're easy to grow and need very little maintenance.

How to propagate bluebells?

Bluebells (also known as English or British bluebell) are among the most popular garden plants growing indoors. They're easy to grow and bloom early in spring planting.

  • They're also one of the easiest flowers to propagate.
  • Take cuttings from the plants for the garden, place them in water, and wait for roots to form.
  • Once roots appear, transplant the seedlings into the soil type.
  • To keep white bluebells healthy, be sure to fertilize. Add a teaspoon of fish emulsion (fish fertilizer) every month or two to feed the plants.

Remember to water your native bluebell during dry spells. Watering helps prevent disease and keeps your plants happy and healthy.

Last Words

Bluebells need a lot of sunlight. They hate wet feet, so they need as much shelter from rain or cold.

They like the soil to be well-drained and rich in nitrogen and phosphate. The ideal soil pH is 6.5 to 7.0, so it's recommended that you grow them in loamy soil, where it's alkaline.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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