How To Lay Garden Turf? Our Step-By-Step Guide!

Written By James
Updated May 16, 2021 by James

How To Lay Garden Turf? Our Step-By-Step Guide!

Laying garden turf is a do-it-yourself project, it can be challenging. But, what are the benefits of using garden turf? With so many people looking for a way to get their gardens looking great, it's only natural that there would be a lot of questions about how to lay garden turf.

It doesn't matter if you're doing this for the first time or you've laid turf before; these tips will help you make your lawn look its best!

When it comes to replacing your lawn with something more modern and eye-pleasing, a lot of people assume that planting grass is the only option.

There is, however, a second choice: synthetic lawn. Unlike real grass, fake turf doesn’t need to be watered, mowed, and maintained. It’s also cheaper and requires less maintenance than grass, so once you’ve purchased your fake lawn you’ll save a lot of time and money.

What is a Garden Turf

Garden turf is a well-known garden product used to make attractive, functional and easy to maintain gardens.

Although it may look like a simple lawn, garden turf is in fact a complex and high quality product. It is used for a variety of applications, including small gardens, playgrounds, industrial and commercial areas, and many more.

Top 3 Benefits of Garden Turf

  • Gives your lawn a professional and lush appearance. 
  • Is guaranteed to be healthy for you and the environment because it is 100% weed free
  • There's no need to spend time pulling weeds or chemicals that might hurt other plants in your yard, which means more money saved!

Laying the garden turf in 4 Easy Steps!

Many homeowners might think about installing a garden in their backyard. The beauty of a garden is that it becomes an appealing place for you to relax and enjoy your time, and it can also return you to your childhood days.

But if you don't get the turf just right, you can find yourself struggling with that most notorious of problems, the brown patch.

Step 1: Prepare your soil

Soil preparation is the first step in laying a new, usable lawn. Prepare your soil by digging up a section about two feet wide and three to four inches deep with either a spade or shovel (depending on how large the area will be).

If you have an existing lawn that needs replacing as well, then dig out just enough of it so that there's at least six inches worth of dirt left between where your old turf was and where you'll lay down the new one.

It helps if you water this newly dug-up earth before proceeding further because dry soil can crack when walked upon too soon after being unearthed; for many people who are creating their own garden turfs from scratch, running hose water over the soil for no less than ten minutes will do the trick.

Next, mix in a compost of garden dirt and fertilizer to make your new lawn more hospitable to life, and then fill up any space between where you dug it out with water so that this fresh earth is saturated enough to work with during the next steps.

Step 2: Deal with old sod

After waiting six hours for your newly mixed in sod to settle gently down into its own place on top of this moistened mud or else watering again if necessary, you should be good to go from there.

Your newspaper spread underneath can also serve as an indicator: If it starts sinking after you apply pressure across its surface without breaking through any paper, then congrats! You've reached the point where old sod needs to be dealt with.

This is a tedious process but well worth it in the end because new turf will do wonders for how many problems are hidden beneath those thick blades of grass that's been left unmaintained and untouched too long.

  • The first step in this whole process requires carefully removing all roots and rocks found in the soil underneath your old sod. Rocks are easy to identify because they'll usually sit on top of or near the surface, but roots can be a little tricky and will often extend deep into the ground which means it'll take some time for you to remove them all.
  • The second step in this process is removing any clumps that may have formed after you removed rocks from around your original turf's perimeter (if there are any). This ensures that when new sod arrives, it has an even chance of spreading across a level surface before being pressed down into place with dirt or seed spread over top.
  • Step three involves leveling out how much loose soil/dirt remains so as not to cause uneven pressure against what should be a flat surface. You can add new dirt here if needed, or use just the amount that's been displaced by removing rocks as you go along with other digging tasks for your garden.
  • The final step is to lay down a thin layer of soil over top which should be spread out evenly so it doesn't create an unevenly distributed level when laid down and pressed against the original turf/garden bed beneath.

Step 3: Lay down the sod

Sod is usually a roll of turf that has been dehydrated and cut into manageable squares.

Cut the sod in half so you have two pieces roughly 24"x12". Place one piece on top of your garden bed, laying it out evenly with all four corners meeting up to create a rectangle shape.

Use stakes or rocks at each corner for support as well as any other areas where you might need extra help keeping the grass down when fully laid out (i.e., near fences).

Carefully lift off this first layer of sod from its edges before placing it on top of another section--this will allow you to lay the second square along side the first without having them overlap too much and give an unprofessional appearance once finished.

Use the same process as before to lay out your second piece of sod, overlapping it with the first layer by about three inches and then staking or weighing down any pieces that need help staying flat. You should now have a rectangle shape made up of two layers of grass side-by-side.

Cut off any excess sod from around this area so you can easily measure how long you'll want each row to be on one end--you may find it easiest to use string for this step if needed (or simply make calculations in your head).

Once you've cut all sides smoothly, start measuring with a line where every other square will go across horizontally until you reach the last section on either end which will be shorter.

Place a line of sod down, and then measure how long it is. Then continue on by laying sod pieces the length you just measured until you reach the end of that row--you should now have two rows ready to be laid! Lay one more layer as before across your first to complete your yard.

Step 4: Water and fertilize your sod

After placing your sod, water it thoroughly for about an hour to get the roots wet enough that they grow into and through the soil in search of nutrients and oxygen.

After laying down turf on a slope, apply mulch or hay around the edges to hold back erosion. Also, be sure not to use any fertilizer until after you are done with edging so as not to burn new grasses due to over-saturation of nitrogen.

Once finished edge-ing your garden bed, fertilize according to instructions on the package label while also applying slow-release organic fertilizer throughout the mulched area every four weeks during periods when there is moisture present on top of the soil (usually between two hours).

Some people prefer this method because it's less expensive and can be done with the help of family members.

Last Words

The key is to stay on top of your schedule and prepare in advance for any potential weather or other issues that might arise during installation day.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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