How To Harvest Herbs From Garden? Here's Our Answer

Written By James
Updated May 16, 2021 by James

How To Harvest Herbs From Garden? Here's Our Answer

To harvest herbs from your garden, begin by cutting the leaves at the end of a branch. If you cut the leaves at the top of the branch, it stunts the plants growth.

Pinch the leaves off to get as many as possible. You can cut the leaves just above a node, or if it is a spreading herb, you can cut the whole stem and then cut the leaves off the stem.

Next, you need to hang the branches upside down in a glass jar.

When it comes to harvesting herbs there is no hard and fast rule as to how you should do it, however there are several ways that gardeners commonly pick herbs.

Whether you have a garden or a window box, or you happen to live in a place where you can grow herbs in the ground, you should know how to pick herbs correctly.

If you select the wrong method, you can actually do more harm than good to your plants.

When is the best time to pick herbs?

The best time to harvest herbs from garden -based on the type of herb - is when the plant is in full bloom, the flowers are fragrant and the leaves are just starting to appear.

Herb picking is one of the first things you can do to start your garden. You may be wondering, when is the best time to pick herbs.

Picking early is a great way to get your herbs started, but if you wait too long it may not be as easy to find them.

There are many different herbs that you can grow and pick all year round, so choose the ones you want to plant and get started.

The best way to know when it's time to harvest your herbs is to simply cut a few sprigs from the plant you want to harvest, and take a look at them.

If they are dry and no longer green, you've waited too long. If they are still green and full of moisture, you've probably waited too long.

If the leaves are brown and limp, you've waited too long. But if the leaves are a healthy green then its ready to harvest.

Here's A Way To Harvest Herbs:

  • Basil

Basil is a tender annual which means that it dies every year. You can harvest basil anytime you desire, it will just not come back the next year.

If you want to harvest it for its leaves then you need to pick the leaves off as soon as they are big enough.

Once the plant flowers and goes to seed you need to pick the entire plant before it goes to seed.

Once you pick the flowers or the seed head the plant will stop producing leaves. You can also remove the flowers and leaves and the plant will still produce flowers.

  • Oregano

Oregano is a wonderful and flavorful herb that is widely used in cooking, especially Italian dishes.

However, many home gardeners are surprised to find out that oregano is a perennial plant. It can be a resilient little herb that grows back after being harvested.

It's definitely better to leave the oregano alone when it's flowering, since you'll need the flowers for seeds.

You should also leave it alone if it's been exposed to frost, since this can damage the plant.

  • Parsley

Parsley is a popular herb in the kitchen, but it is also a popular plant in the garden. Parsley is a very easy herb to grow, and the harvest time is very economical and quick.

It is a low-growing plant in the carrot family, and both the leaves and the stems of the plant are edible.

This herb is a hardy perennial that can be grown in a wide variety of climates. The stems of this herb can be harvested for use in fresh or cooked recipes.

When harvesting parsley, be sure to pull the stems from the plant, rather than cutting them off. This will encourage the plant to grow more stems. Add the stems to soups, salads and casseroles for a tasty addition.

  • Cilantro

Cilantro is a hardy, versatile herb that is easy to grow. It is an annual herb that grows quickly, and is versatile in the kitchen.

It can be used as a garnish to add flavor to many dishes, such as salads, guacamole, salsa, and more.

However, cilantro can be tricky to grow. It germinates quickly, and needs to be thinned early on or the plants will be too crowded for the cilantro to develop.

Cilantro can be harvested at any time, but it is best to harvest cilantro before the plant flowers, as it will turn bitter at this point and become unusable for culinary purposes.

  • Thyme

Thyme is best when used fresh, but it can be frozen, dried or made into a tincture.

Freezing and drying will preserve the thyme for later use, while a tincture can be added to alcohol to make flavorful herbal cocktails or wines.

The best time of year to harvest your thyme is early morning. Slightly dampen the soil and use a garden fork to loosen it.

Pinch the tips of the stems between your thumb and forefinger. If you feel a slight resistance, you know the thyme is ready for its close-up.

One of the most common uses for thyme is as an herb in cooking. It can be dried and stored, but it is better fresh.

It can be used fresh in cooking, marinades, salads, as a garnish, or with various dishes. It is also a good remedy for clearing the sinuses.

Do herbs grow back after cutting?

Most herbs are perennial plants, which means they live and grow year after year. The plants do die at the end of the season, but they will start to grow again the next year from their roots.

This is why it is important that you don't cut any of the plants in your garden too low, as this will encourage the roots to grow back into the ground.

Some herbs are popular because of their unique and delicate flavor, others because they are a good alternative to more exotic and expensive ingredients.

Unfortunately, many plants, herbs included, are not well-suited to being grown as houseplants, since they need a lot of sun and water.

If you live in a place with sunny weather all year, this might not be an issue.

Still, many herbs can be grown indoors, and there are a number of herbs that are even more popular as houseplants than they are in the garden.

Good planning is key to a successful harvest

Planning your herbs garden is the first step toward a bumper harvest. You don't need to spend a lot of money on garden planning tools, either.

Growing your own herbs at home is a great way to enjoy fresh flavors all year long. Every herb is harvested in its own unique way.

Only pick herbs when they're dry. Harvest when morning dew has evaporated, or at dusk. 

Mark down when you'll be planting and harvesting each herbs, your expected yield and how you plan to store or share your homegrown herbs.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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