How To Get Rid Of Weevils In Garden?

Written By James
Updated May 24, 2021 by James

How To Get Rid Of Weevils In Garden?

Weevils are a common garden pest and are considered the most destructive garden insect in the world. A single weevil can destroy an entire plant, and a group of weevils can ruin your entire garden.

Gardeners know that the weevils make small holes in the stems of the plants and feed on the inside, causing the plant to die. There are steps to get rid of weevils in the garden that you can follow to protect your garden plants from destruction.

The first step to getting rid of weevils in your garden is finding out if you actually have weevils in the first place. If you see insects that look like moths flying around your plants, and you can't figure out why, you likely have weevils.

They are about an inch long and are gray-brown in color. The flying adult weevils are most active in the summer and fall, but some can survive the winter, too.

Getting rid of weevils in your garden can be tricky, but it is not impossible. The best way to rid your garden of these pests is to start with the basics. Inspect your plants, and look for any signs of weevils.

How do you prevent weevil infestations?

As we enter spring and summer, many homeowners begin to think about outdoor projects. One common problem for gardeners is dealing with weevils.

These pests can wreak havoc on your garden and on your plants, as they feed on the leaves and stems of many different plants. With some basic knowledge, you can keep weevils from infesting your garden.

The key to preventing weevil infestations is to know when to expect them. While weevils tend to appear in gardens in the spring and summer, there are two species that can attack plants year-round, so it’s important to know when to expect them.

The spotted cucumber beetle is a native beetle that shows up in gardens during the early summer and feeds on plants in the cucumber family.

The beetle is green with black blotches and has white stripes along its body. It’s a particularly destructive pest because it attacks plants in the cucumber family, which includes melons, pumpkins, and cucumbers.

Ladybugs are beetles that are often used as a natural form of pest control.

With the proper preparation and work, you can stop weevil infestations before they even occur!

What Are Weevils?

There are thousands of different species of weevils, which are a type of tiny non-flying beetle with a snout-like mouth.

The Garden Weevil, also known as the Wheat Weevil, is a garden pest that damages crops and vegetables by feeding on the living plant tissue.

Garden Weevils are the common name for snout weevils in the family Curculionidae. The snout weevils are a large family of small beetles, characterized by the prominent snout on the upper surface of the head, which is used to penetrate the plant tissue.

Weevils are a type of beetle, although they don’t resemble any other beetles you might know. They grow to be 4 to 5 inches long and are brown or gray, with some having a reddish or yellowish tint.

They are most active at night and will eat any kind of plant— except for those in the tomato family. Instead, they prefer nuts, berries and grains. They also like to eat the buds and stems of flowers.

What are the dangers of weevils?

Bugs can be a garden's worst enemy, which is why keeping your garden as bug-free as possible is key to getting the most out of what you plant. However, gardeners who don't know the signs of a bug infestation can unwittingly invite pests into their gardens.

One of the most common garden pests are weevils, a family of beetle similar to ladybugs. They're small and brown, with three body segments and long antenna.

They're most often found on the underside of leaves, where they lay their eggs. Weevils are small beetles that cause the most damage to plants in the garden and on farms, eating the leaves, flowers, and stems of many plants, especially grasses, flowers, and grains.

With their long, snout-like mouth, called a rostrum, weevils use it to pierce plant cells and suck out the juices. No matter what type of weevil you encounter, they will all look similar.

They are usually in shades of brown and black, although the larvae are sometimes red or pink. They also will have six legs, antennae, and small feathers or scales on their wings.

They range in size from as big as a black pepper grain to as small as a pinhead.

Thankfully, plants are able to stay healthy overall where The severe threat comes from weevil larvae, which live in the ground and feed on the plant roots.

Use Chemical Treatment for Weevils

If you’ve ever had a weevil infestation in your garden, you already know that these unwelcome bugs can do a lot of damage in a short period of time.

A garden can be a great place to spend time, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Diseases, weeds, pests, and other nuisances can wreak havoc, reducing your carefully tended garden to an eyesore.

So, it's important to remember that there are many effective ways to deal with garden pests, and chemical treatments for weevils are just one of them.

In fact, chemical pesticide is usually the last resort, since it can potentially harm you, your family, and the environment.

There are many chemicals available that will get rid of a weevil infestation, but they’re all fairly toxic, and they all require proper handling and ventilation to be used safely.

The most common chemical used is Sevin, which is a carbamate insecticide. This insecticide was originally derived from the chemical compound carbaryl, but has been refined to be safer for humans and animals.

Remove Weevils Manually

Weevils are a pest that can be found in several varieties and colors. Their small size makes them difficult to spot, which is why many people don't realize they have weevils in their food, flour, or grains.

If you suspect you might have weevils in your food storage, it is best to be safe than sorry and check for them. The best way to determine if you have weevils is to look for signs of their existence.

Many people recommend that you use pesticide to get rid of them.  However, pesticides can be costly and you might not be able to use them in your garden. 

The good news is that you can get rid of weevils in your garden without using pesticides. Best practices for controlling weevils are to keep the garden clean.  Remove any debris from the garden. 

Weevils are attracted to debris, so removing it can help keep them from infesting your garden.  If you have a compost pile, keep it covered so weevils cannot get in.

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My father, and his father before him, and his father; for the past 3 generations, my family have always been into gardening. The green fingers is a gift passed down to me and I thoroughly enjoy it! I also have worked in the manufacturing department for Bosch and DeWalt so I like to think I know a thing or two about tools and such!
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